The man woke up from a 19-year-old coma and what he told alarmed everyone this man was in a coma for 19 years until something surprising happened and the end of the story changed what did he say after two decades of sleep and why was it so surprising you are curious So leave your like and let’s go to the video
Being in a coma is different for each person, some people get completely confused, and others are sure they came face to face with a divine entity, but the story of our protagonist today is very different and special Jan was born in Poland and never left, not because of lack of opportunities but out of love for his own country his parents just like he loved that place
But unfortunately their city, despite being beautiful and cozy, would also be the scene of great tragedy for them Jan has always loved trains and could choose nothing else for the rest of his life if not at the station of his birthplace brought the man going through his days servicing this equipment on a seemingly ordinary day jan got up early to go to work but little did he know that in just a few hours something

Unbelievable was about to happen he was walking distracted and thinking about things he wanted for his future when he accidentally bumped into someone he was stunned and at first didn’t understand what had happened until he heard a voice say watch out walking did you not see me Jan was very embarrassed and looked down quickly to help the person he had knocked to the ground but when he looked down his heart started beating.
Pound he’d run into was a woman who came by every day and was apparently always late, the two stared at each other for a few seconds, but then the woman stood up, undoing the romantic vibe in the air. Jan apologized but the woman didn’t care and walked further into the station he noticed she was smiling as she turned
The two began to greet each other every day and Jan discovered that her name was Vanessa from that day on a great passion began to grow in his heart and before he knew it he asked her out, the woman smiled and accepted his request within a few weeks. after the couple’s first meeting the two were already dating, the passion the two had for each other was obvious, but unfortunately, something unexpected would soon happen and
Their relationship with the test Vanessa went to her boyfriend’s house the woman had tears in her eyes and although she tried to hide it she was clearly upset Jan didn’t understand what was happening but the girl took an object from her pocket and handed it for him it was a pregnancy test with a positive result Vanessa was doing well at her job and didn’t want to get pregnant at that point in her life so she was desperate
After seeing the test result but she didn’t expect what Jan would say I love you and I will love our child if necessary I will take care of him so that you can commit to your work or study I will never let you down let you and be sure of one thing i will love being a father every second of my existence so don’t worry we’ll make it together the year was 1988 and at that time men didn’t tend to have a positive attitude when it is
Came to raise a child but everything Jan said was true and they wanted to meet their baby but the man couldn’t keep his promise a week later Jan went to work as usual but that day would something terrible happen. was doing some routine maintenance but there was a rock and Jan didn’t see it he stumbled first by accident it looked like something crazy but the guy
Slipped out and fell on the tracks other workers at the scene immediately called an ambulance but when they arrived at the hospital the doctors said there was nothing more they could do for his life the man hit and injured his head Jan was in a coma but health workers took the hope away from the family and especially Vanessa to see him alive someday
Because according to them in a few days the patient would no longer have brain activity luckily for everyone the doctors were wrong several days had already passed and Jan was still in a coma despite being in a coma Vanessa could do nothing but pray for a miracle hoping that her boyfriend and father of her child would wake up, she discovered that the child she was

Was actually expecting a girl and at the time she was in tears thinking how much she would have liked to know this news firsthand before being worried and afraid of having that baby but now she clung to it with all her might stuck her because was a present Janet left for her for all that mess even with so much prayer from Vanessa and the rest of the family Jan didn’t wake up for the next few days or even
After a year and even 10 years after the tragic event the man was still completely unconscious but his family would get good news soon Jan had a slight improvement and this excited even the doctors but all this happiness would not last long as a few days later he returned to his deplorable state of health his family considered turning off the devices and taking him off the ventilator, but Vanessa was completely
Conversely, because she still believed that her lover would wake up one day to meet his daughter, Vanessa was right about simply prolonging the inevitable that his mother would visit him as she always did to keep him informed of the news. events in the family even though he couldn’t hear the woman took his hand and started to cry because she missed his voice so much as she squeezed his hand
Something strange happened Jan wobbled his fingers she ran to the doctors on duty who didn’t believe her story but when they got back to the room they found the patient they thought had no chance of living with his eyes open Vanessa was right because after an incredible 19 years in a completely vegetative state the man finally woke up the doctors were stunned they had never seen anything like this happen but
When he regained consciousness Jan started to say very strange things that confused everyone about what was happening amber was the first word that his mother was not expecting and in disbelief saw her son awake so she could not stand so much emotion and passed out at the thought that she could only dream she did not believe that after so many years she was finally reunited with him
After being in a coma for 19 years, his first thoughts were of his daughter whom he so desperately wanted to see born and care for years ago. Jan could not have imagined that he had his daughter but an adult woman at the age of 19. relatives were desperate to believe that the prolonged coma had caused brain damage, but the man completely regained his speech and was able to explain what was going on he said at least he remembered the last one

Six months of conversations his family had with him this was truly unique and unbelievable the doctors couldn’t understand how it had happened he now had a lot to live for and learn amber his daughter had recently gone to university as she was already 19 years old the two cried when they finally met now Jan could fulfill his dream to be the father of that young woman who even
Unwittingly, he was already sure he loved Vanessa didn’t remarry because she always hoped her boyfriend would wake up and it’s a good thing she insisted that the man didn’t become the subject of every newspaper in town because it was such a tragic event but now 19 years later he was back almost two decades as if nothing had happened there was clearly the seriousness
Consequences as Jan would never walk again but that was nothing compared to his willpower to wake up and see everyone who loved him again his recovery was slow but doctors considered him a true marvel of science possibly a request granted after so much prayer the story is really great isn’t it, also look at the story of the woman who fell in love with a homeless man and he said something that made her jaw drop.